New Year! New Life! Poem by Denis Martindale

New Year! New Life!

Each Christian with a window view has insight there and then,
Yet Daniel prayed what he should do for each new day again.
He knew that God had righteous plans for him and all his friends,
For he had faith that understands beyond this life that ends.

By faith, he lived, and served the Lord, and worshipped when he could,
And this was why God was adored in Daniel's neighbourhood.
Despite what all the cowards chose, he knew God's righteousness,
And chose to stand against his foes, his true faith to confess.

His sacrifice was not in vain, he stood for what was right,
Not just for blessings he could gain, since God was his delight.
Not just for times when things get hard, not just for times of peace,
But always, ever on his guard, with faith that must not cease.

God knows what Christians choose to do, He knows both strong and weak,
God knows of me, God knows of you, yet we are not unique.
A billion Christians pray with love, yet not like Daniel,
Who truly served His Lord above, come Heaven or come Hell...

Denis Martindale, the 3rd of January 2023.

The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
Insight Live show on the 3rd of January 2023.

UK Channels Sky 581, Freesat 692, Freeview 281,
Smart TVs and Internet Devices such as ROKU.

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