Next Instalment Please 5.9.2009 Poem by Margaret Alice

Next Instalment Please 5.9.2009

There are three kinds of love:

1 Ideal, ROMANTIC love ‘pure and chaste from afar’
the unreachable star; 2 RATIONAL love, sacrifice for
common-sense relationships, and 3 SPIRITUAL
love for all of life as sacred

ROMANTIC love - unattainable; a guiding lodestar, a
Quixotic ideal I won’t let go, my favourite authors
have my undying devotion, they keep the flame
of beauty and dreams alive

Many Romantic love poems are selfish and narcissistic
with emotions effervescent, only a special few
delineate soul-mates’ eternal love,
I adore these, but it is

RATIONAL, common-sense love which makes the
world go round – sharing religion, world-view and
ethical conviction; sacrificing self to group,
for our kids whom we love to bits

Boring compared to the fire and delight of romance;
and the unconditional SPIRITUAL love of esoteric
texts is out of reach; - we might combine some
romance with rational love

Though experience shows life does not allow romance
for long, forcing a choice between short-lived affairs
and long-term, boring relationships;
alternatives so unsatisfactory - thus

Love poetry is a secret activity, requiring one reply
only, Thank you, next instalment please - to all
authors who delight me - ‘THANK YOU, next
instalment please - PLEASE.’

9 May 2009

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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