No End To War Poem by Afrooz Jafarinoor

No End To War

Rating: 5.0

Once a war breaks out
It never stops!
It's a lie, a lie
The ending date of every war is a lie,
1917 is a lie!
1945 is a lie!
1367 in Iran is a lie!
Stop it historians, how many lies will you tell?
Suppose you deceive us
How can you deceive the forests of Poland
How can you deceive the mountains of Kurdistan?
Don't you see whenever you repeat your lie
They eject a few bones
They maim someone with a landmine?
Now, why go too far,
Look around every corner of your safe towns,
Don't you see wakeful nightmares,
The living who are not living
Because they haven't died in war,
Or they've inherited their veteran grandfather's nightmares?
Don't you hear wheezes
Don't you see disjointed limbs?
Don't go too far,
See the man of my life,
Every seizure of his is the first explosion
And the first day of war again!
Or look at me the poet,
Why should I write of war,
Why should I talk of war,
Why should I think of war?
My father fought, and I fight with war, and war is fighting with us!
I've never been to the forests of Poland,
I've seen the mountains of Kurdistan just from afar
But every day I breathe war
I talk to war
I sleep with war
With my food, I eat war
In my cells, I digest war
Because war never stops
War just starts!

Jazib Kamalvi 10 June 2017

So sincere wrlte indeed. That is all, we can do. Thanks

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 10 June 2017

Yes writing is all we can do.

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