Nonsense Work - For Chan Mongol Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Nonsense Work - For Chan Mongol

Rating: 5.0

Let's not sanction
Russia China
Let's have allies
Join Russian ties
Let slow Joe
Now get mowed
By the damn fool
With evil rule
Let Europe feel the heat
From Putin's damn stinking feet
Let Putin benefit
From poor Russia's profit
What a shameless game
Allies need to tame
The beastly devil
Of all his evil
Let Iran and Russia
And damn North Korea
Nuke the whole planet
One two three all set
Let's not irritate Russia
Nor blame Corona on China
No war against Russia
Let's just watch Putin paw
Let's watch CIA in action
Against European Union

Poem Hunter educates
About poet who berates

Monday, July 18, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life,political humor,satirical,sarcastic
My rebuttal to Intelligence Work by Chan Mongol!
Nabakishore Dash 19 July 2022

Excellent write The whole world won't forget what is happening there.

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Richard Wlodarski 25 July 2022

Sincerest thanks, Poet Dash! Just like the world will never forget about Hitler, well never forget about Putin and Ukraine!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 18 July 2022

A poem with a punch, powerful, well crafted and expressed

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Richard Wlodarski 25 July 2022

Thank you so very much, Rose Marie. I've written several poems about Putin and Ukraine. This one and Russian President were necessary for me to write because I was appalled at Chan Mongol's lack of sensitivity towards Ukraine. And his pro Russian stance!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 18 July 2022

Cont... His evilness will be remembered by the entire human race on account of how many children of tender age and how many elderly have been killed because of the war he orchestrated.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 18 July 2022

Any leader who advocates and imposes war without provocation is an evil. His dastardly acts will be etched in the annals of history.

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