Nothing Poem by Celestine Ikwuamaesi



Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heaven's Armies!
The whole earth is filled with his glory! —Isaiah 6: 3

I pour all on bare ground,
watch them sink;
nothing holds... Nothing!
I mull over emptiness;

keep moping, keep gaping,
brooding over space!
No glory, but gory gloom,
no peace, but pickle.

All's wind, life on wings!
All hope hangs
on a world bereft of God's glory;
rich in wind & shadows;

rich in tripping darkness
and surging bile;
in crackles from wild fires,
sparking doom and death.

The seraphs see earth
from a cleaner height
and with purer eyes and hail
the splendor of God's glory;

its awesome grandeur glows.
But not in a world
mired in silt of piling filth!
Earth reflects the human mind's

content in the ever growing
spate of self destruct;
yet dressed in glittering masks,
people mime love in a vile valley.

God's holiness and glory permeate his works, thus anyone's life and work that do not reflect God's attributes amount to nothing; they're empty. A person's striving passes like wind. Therefore, choices, decisions, and actions start with a vital question, and end in the same: Where's God's glory in this? Life must align with the source, or else all's nothing. All, wind! I mulled over the poem all day in relation to the Scripture (Isa 6: 3) and realized that many people spend their lives running after wind; end up like wind. We don't relate to God's eternal nature imparted to creation, especially humans. Yet Jesus Christ gave us eternal life to live by knowing God and himself as Messiah, through which we receive a revelation of God's holiness and glory to live by, striving to attain his divine nature (Jn 17: 3; Gen 17: 1-2; Eph 1: 4; 1 Pet 1: 15) .
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