Ode To Family Poem by Kevin Hayes

Ode To Family

I was born into life in a family of many,
but a family of friends that I wouldn't trade with any.
We are a family unique, oh so diverse,
But a family of friends who put family first.

Our house was full to say the least eight kids and Mom & Dad,
with seven boys in one small room and sue her own room had.

In early years you seldom saw my dad without his camera,
capturing for all to see the memories of the era.
The memories come rushing back like some old movie reel,
remember when baby steve kicked dave off his big wheel.

I remember being bad like any other kid,
the punishment oh so severe, 'You have to tell your dad what you did'.

The days were full, the chores were shared my task involved a broom,
I couldn't wait until the day that I'd get my own room.

No lonely times were to be had, no privacy in sight,
with seven boys in one small room, there's bound to be a fight.
The fights broke out and words were flung amongst my brothers many,
but wounds were healed and hands were shook and scars there's hardly any.

The days have passed, the years flown by, the aches and pains have started,
I can't believe how quick it came, my youthful looks departed.

We have grown old together though through all the stormy weather,
The good times good and bad times bad but all and all a treasure.

Kevin Hayes

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Kevin Hayes

Kevin Hayes

Columbus, Ohio
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