Oh I Must Go Home Again Poem by Francis Duggan

Oh I Must Go Home Again

Oh I must go home again while the fields are richest green
And the trout for fly are leaping from the dark pools of the stream
And the linnet's singing gaily midst the shrouded cypress screen
That stands beside the cottage of my true love Kathleen.

Oh I must go home again while the fields are full of flowers
And hear once more the cuckoo predicting Summer hours
While the vixen she is hunting for her young cubs in the den
And the matronly ewe is bleating to her frolicsome lambkin.

Oh I must go home again for 'tis there I do belong
While the thrushes and the blackbirds and the robins are in song
While the swallows are returning to swoop and sail and soar
O'er the fields and vales and moorlands where they flew last year before.

Oh I must go home again for I'm lonely night and day
And I'm thinking of my Homeland and my friends so far away
I came to this great city to add riches to my name
But the one thing I'm regretting now is that I ever came.

Oh I must go home again 'tis there I long to be
For I know my brown eyed Kathleen is still waiting there for me
In my dreams I run my fingers through her sheeny raven hair
One could search the whole world over and not find one half so fair.

Oh I must go home again while the grass growing breezes blow
While the lark is singing sweetly and the wild cock pheasant crow
For I'm lonely in this city and my mind can know no ease
When it's Spring-time in my Homeland and the leaves bud on the trees.

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