Oh My Son Poem by Cliff Phiri

Oh My Son

Lower your shoulders for the worried soul.
Do not despise the teaching of yesterday.
Let your shoulder be a pillow to the crying heart.
Is there any benefit? -being filthy rich yet without love.

Pay attention to learning.
Never let a day pass without sowing.
Stop the sun from setting till you make someone smile.
Be mindful of where you step; for someone is following after your footsteps.

Fill your heart with love.
Be of a good mind towards your brother.
Be glad when he glories.
Utilize every opportunity you have today; for who knows tomorrow?

Judge each day by how much you sow.
Let your mouth be a well of life.
Never let the man called Jealous into your compass
-for with him comes witchcraft.

Let your name be a blessing to the righteous.
Keep going ahead for rest is only in heaven.
Sing the song of love every heartbeat.
Can you tell the weather tomorrow?
-so why not stay prepared.

Let the scars of yesterday be your inspiration.
Proclaim victory to the king on your mirror every morning.
Be of a sweet scent.
Invest not on the promise of men
-for men fail sometimes.

Decorate your yard with flowers of hope.
Let your heart smile as you go to bed.
Feel for others; be of one theme. Erase evil memories, for they dehydrate your soul.

Be happy to eternity.
Do not follow the crowd; for your might miss the crown.
Fill your blood with compassion
-and never let it cool down.

Be mindful of what you watch
-for your morals might be corrupted.
Fill your head with wisdom.
Leave a great name for your clan.
-for a great name is better than treasures of corruption.

Stay vocal, for you won't stay local.
Be mindful of your words
-for you might suffer till eternity.
Let your children be proud carrying your name around.

Oh My Son
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Cliff Phiri

Cliff Phiri

Harare, Zimbabwe
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