Oh Sandi Am Poem by Soumi Mukhopadhyay

Oh Sandi Am

Oh sand I am,
The yellowish color of mine glitters in the sun, often you people mistake me as gold.
I am the wheel of change from age old.
With time everything ages, every mountain and pyramid turns to sand;
If you, the people of world can realize the fact!

Oh sand I am,
Ihave no name, no last port of call, I settle in the course.
I leave and go, wait for none though, be like me, go with the flow.
This color of mine has often been fed with dynasty of blood,
Some for brown, some for green, I only traveled with wind and time.
When we unite, we blew the mightiest off, we have changed the history together.
In the ocean of sand, we often become storm, like life plays with us all! !

Oh sand I am,
You try to hold me tight and I will fall through the gap of your fingers,
You try to squeeze me in your hand I will make a cut,
you try to mingle me in the water and I will be in the residue!
I will make a figure, may be a footprint or a memoir like a lost childhood in adultery,

Oh sand I am,
You try to hold me tightI will fall through the gaps of your finger,
you try to squeeze me in your hand I will make cut,
you try to mingle me in the water I will be the residue!
I will make a figure may be a footprint or a memoir like lost childhood in adultery,
I will slowly be the release of time in the bad phase,
I will rise you high and make you dance in my wave,
and then throw you in the reality of my coast.

Oh sand I am,
Imakes castles, the waves breaks it, let me teach you this is life, is it! ! .
I take all the dirt, still I am pure, I filter often, I am fearless, be like me all along
I am porous, to all, absorb all but retain what I want to.
Sediment with emotions, layer by layer, the deepest marks it holds,
I am porous, to all, absorb all but retain what I want to.

Oh sand I am,
An inescapable journey of our brief life it beholds!
I am mightiest, I am breathless, I am the change; the time wheel in all! !

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: journey
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