Old Timer Poem by Smoky Hoss

Old Timer

Rating: 4.9

He was the best influence
a boy could ever have,
right up there
alongside my dad.
His farm was just across the pasture
from the house I grew up in,
it was over there
that I spent many a day working for and with him.
He taught me so very much
like how to tell right from wrong,
when to be soft and gentle
and when to be brave and strong.
He was part rancher, part farmer
and always a full-time, hard-working, top-hand,
I learned from him to work without complaint
and to ride for the brand.
He showed me how to drive a tractor
long before I could handle a car,
and how to spot a lost calf
hiding at the edge of a field way off far.
We'd talk for hours
while out mending miles of fence,
with a wonderful old-school knowledge
he'd share with me his superlative common sense.
Even though I was young
he treated me fair, just like a grown man,
he told me, always do what's right
and against what's wrong take a firm stand.
Better than most he understood the value
of friendship and loyalty,
so many were the gracious gifts of wisdom
he freely bestowed upon me.
Like how to sit a horse
rope a calf, and milk an ornery old cow,
there's so much more I'd like to tell
but, time and space won't allow.
So here in this little way, I'd just like to say
my hat's off and my heart forever goes out,
to that grand old-timer of my early days
who taught me young, what life is really about.

- In honor of Kenny Fisher, one of the best men I've ever known, who passed away November ninth,2012, at the age of 93 -
Thanks Kenny.
Dean Bottomley 28 February 2014

I LOVE this poem, especially the sentiments. I have always lived in a small village deep in the Hampshire country. I was taught by old hands about animals and life and nature. My Dad and I (until he died when I was 110.5yo) walked the lanes and he opened my eyes and my heart to the world around me. Later others in the village kept that education going so that I now love the world around me and find continual inspiration in it. A beautiful poem, thank you

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Heather Wilson 10 December 2012

A wonderful write about a man who meant so much to you, I`m sure you meant as much to him also, A lovely tribute,

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Claudia Krizay 09 December 2012

What a nice tribute-a beautiful poem! ! Very moving and very sweet-This poem kept my interest- bravo! ! ! !

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Valerie Dohren 06 December 2012

He sounds like a wonderful man, it must have been great knowing him. A fantastic tribute, very well done Smoky.

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