Once Upon A Time.. Poem by meenambika krishna

Once Upon A Time..

Once upon a time..God made an Angel..
He made an angel so full of His Love..bestowed him with Kindness at heart...and inward Charm..and Grace...
Then sent him to Earth to live amongst the People...

People flocked to him, attracted by his charm...
they spoke so sweet, they smiled a lot, they sung his praises, and hailed him king..
he was glad for them...and was good and kind and loyal to them, he counted them his friends...

ohh but the people of this world...what do they care, if not for themselves...
they always got away with what they'd wanted of him...
at times they asked for too much..
and the poor angel couldnt afford the cost, no matter how much he wished he could...and then they turned strangers from next dawn..

But the angel was strong at heart...he believed in goodness, in truth..for he was from God..
he still held his hopes high.. that he would someday make true friends..he kept his eyes open for them..
Years went by...more people..more pain..more insults..more frustration..
He bled from the many open wounds in his heart.. oh the poor dear angel of god..

Hope started waning...for he'd learnt that he lived in a wicked, wicked world..
someday he stopped believing in goodness, for that was a nonexistent myth, afterall..
he hardened his heart..he called him a fool..and thought it right to live by the ways of the world..

From then on..he struggled hard to become one with the world.. and the people that he saw around him..
he had his guilt, for the angel in him spake loud and clear, from time to time..
but he never listened to the voice anymore..he didnt believe in goodness afterall..

God had been watching him all along..
He'd loved him so dearly, had a great plan for him..
Ohh how He wished He could reach out to him..
console him with a soothing touch, wipe away his tears..and tell him how special he was..
But they were Heaven and Earth apart...

so He made a Woman from the dust of the Earth..
cleansed her with the anointing of Love..crucified her Self..
needless to say it caused her unspeakeable pain..it burnt her like fire..

'why God, why me..' she cried..
He never said a word..
she struggled hard to be 'herself'..be part of the world..
He simply wudnt let her be..

until one day she chanced upon the poor dear angel of God..
his face had lost its sheen..his eyes lifeless..his smile bore a tear..

she knew his pain..it had seeped into her..
the sight of him evoked pain..
for she knew him for who he was meant to be..

she knew God wished her to quench his thirst..
To heal his wounds with selfless Love
abide with him in times of need..
and make him blossom again:
The lovely angel of God;
once so full of love and kindness and warmth..

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