One Step At A Time Poem by Blessing Kalamatila

One Step At A Time

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Many-a- time we have been told the baby crawls before she walks, struggles before he talks, taking a step at a time is not a parrallel choice to attaining success.
Rushing equals to crushing they say, which is not as much different as building castles in thin air because in the end both lead to nowhere.

See! no one seems to understand that from the onset, in between lays a processone has to digest the facts.
We have been told "ukutangila tekufika"yet we obsess with the finish line before we even start, successful only in our dreams just to wake up to poor reality.

One step at a time, a Process seen to be "Slow"but is later wished to be followed by an insightless fool despite the words from the wise that tell us underneath the sun lies nothing but vanity, the carnal mind however disagrees and says money, fame and luxury are the keys that open the bundle of happiness but when the door remains closed, we keep forcing our way in when whats missing is the handle.

Its quiet sad how despite been told "patience pays, "we dont invest much in our character but empty our mindsets, spending more on the blocks that build a reputation; one that fades faster than a lightening strike, spending more effort in looking good on site and get comfort from a 100+ facebook likes which ain't bad but dont get me wrong, the sad truth is we were born different; some stubborn and others docile see that alone explains why the picture in the profiles will never be the same but to you I say gather confidence to take your own picture and see outside the frame.

See! Jesus walked on water, you too could but like peter your focus is diverted.We have been promised a land of milk and honey but whats funny is despite some of you owning cars; you are still driven by envy. No one attains success in a rush, not even Noah whom it took 100+ years for the completion of the ark so how will you reach your destiny when yo keep swimming with the sharks.
Only then will you know that despite your position in this race we call life, better is the man who moves at God's pace, better is the woman who doesnt need to act a fool just to fit into her friends shoes see dont hate the messenger "love your neighbour", the Bible tells and that to me means those from outside your hood.

Rajnish Manga 12 June 2018

Thanks for this inspirational piece in the backdrop of all rush and reality in contemporary life.

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Dr Antony Theodore 12 June 2018

better is the man who moves at God's pace, better is the woman who doesnt need to act a fool just to fit into her friends shoes.........a great biblical message is highlighted. may Jesus who walked on the water fill your aspirationsof the soul........ thank u for this wonderful poetical thoughts. tony

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