Operation Thunderclap On Valentine's Day - Europe 1945 Poem by Chris Lane

Operation Thunderclap On Valentine's Day - Europe 1945

After the systematic bombing of Dresden was complete
Those who survived collected the charred bodies
Of the victims and place them in rows
Piled high on what were once city streets

Sweet gestures of affection from lovers or friends
On this mournful day would not be exchanged
As none had suspected that from the sky
For two nights fire bombs would abruptly end so many lives

© Calac

In the night of February 13-14,1945, the ancient and beautiful capital of Saxony, Dresden, was attacked three times, in an operation involving well over 1,000 bombers.
The consequences were catastrophic, as the historical city center was incinerated and between 25,000 and 40,000 people lost their lives.
The only truly significant military installation, the Luftwaffe airfield a few kilometers to the north of the city, was not attacked.
And the presumably crucially important railway station was not marked as a target.
Instead, the (air) crews were instructed to dropp their bombs on the inner city
The bombing of Dresden, seems to have been a senseless slaughter.

In recent times, however, the bombing of countries and of cities has almost become an everyday occurrence, rationalized not only by our political leaders but also presented by our media as an effective military undertaking and as a perfectly legitimate means to achieve supposedly worthwhile objectives.

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