Oprah Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Samad was a teacher
-taught in the villages
-had neither table nor,
-could afford buying chair.
-Just had them in school.

But he had backpack and
-travelled on dust-packed
-gravelled, and rough paths.
-He carried knowledge and
-mass loads of messages
-as do the messengers.

Received and gave them hope…

Pupils, very poor
-shepherded baby-goats
-carrying cargoes, loads
-and helped in paddies, farms.

Samad felt in heart what was on hands of
-his little students…bleeding and wounded,
-from the cruelty, and under injustice!

Cities were full of the palaces and the cars
-and women and whisky, plenty went to bar.
-Many men mastered in, the art of bribing.
-They dealt in the hardship of the poor.
-Net income was in the, selling and purchase
-of the poor man's day and night; in labour.

And Samad saw it all.

His floor was of mud; under him a torn rug
-his light of kerosene, had no bulb, electric.

In his pack he had books; read, received.
He took it everywhere as does a messenger.
Finally, he penned of what he gathered.

For all of children…

He wrote of the star
-wrote of the crows
-wrote of the cats that
-were fighting on a wall.

One of his books is praised as masterpiece
-and he won prizes.

"The Little Black Fish"

Little Fish went on tours; pond to pond.
-Encountered too many of fishes all around,
-Mostly dumb, and heartless
-to step outside of comfort zones.
-This is how it is and has been long,
-with the pet animals; caged and barred,
-yet selfish and proud; domesticized.

Samad wrote in book and gave advice:
-First, become stripped from me, from mine.
-Second, go see others and their lives.
-Then-after, learn, learn; and after learning
-leave your home, and start the mixing.
-Always must listen, and join to share
-with nations and many of cultures.
-Ignore walls and the shops of anthems
-and forget the imposed, as borders.
-Now, head for the seas, oceans
-via roads and pathways to become united…

Rich is book though tiny
-is great and wealthy
-unlike the plenty of filth
-that is much, and too much
-in the courts, and palace
-of greedy conscious
-or abroad, in the banks
-as they have investments.

His book has always been,
-and surely will remain
-my Koran, my Bible…

I owe some thanks to Shah
-as well as USA
- (though neither I have liked;
-may say: "hate! ")

Shah who barked for piece of bone as a dog - (bone being the throne,)so bowed, wrote
-at end he signed to sell all Iran, nationwide
-raised hand and surrendered "Capitulation".
-He purchased trash-bins of Yankees
-whatever left-over;
-among them squadrons of F-5s
-when US failed in war, Vietnam's.
-Pentagon booked, ordered in excess
-so, looked for a buyer, customer.
-Our mad Shah, well-trained
-to act as greyhound for US,
-gave blood of nation to fetch them.

Iran had US-made arms, planes
-as now do Arab kings and the sheikhs
-but we, then, as Arabs are today;
- "Were Slaves of US! ! ! "

I was dog of the dog, uniformed officer
-forcefully in leash and, also in a muzzle
- "Now go to USA, " I was told, and I went.

Was lucky, encountered good people
-among them were Anna and Judy
-as well as in a fair, a Lady; Pregnant.

The last, felt comfortable to call me:
- "You, Dumb and Stupid"
-then let me in her house,
-gave me book, "The Eagles"
-and later explained:
- "Is same as US with Soviets."
- "One of them kills other! "

I followed my mentor…Good Samad.

I carried my backpack
-books of Whites and Blacks
-read about the slaves,
-of Fredrick Douglas to Moses…
-and onward to the faith of Islam
-and Great Malcolm X, and his fights
-Mohammad Ali and Alijah
-and War in Vietnam

Far later I heard of
- "Oprah and Barak"
-would have not liked them if
-had not read the Donald's:
- "He is not one of us…"

Then I read, and I learned
-thanks to the Trump's words…
-about the Obama…and his birth…

He revealed: "Racism does exist,
-in today's USA…"

Yes, is filled
-look at him and fascists
-who chose him
-and ones who praise him.

Oprah's speech though…
-shook the Earth around me
-I felt like volcano,
-melted I when saw her give speech
-in her time, to receive her prize
-for the best of bests.

I would have killed me if,
-I had been a White-Man
-or blood related, or one of descendent
-of the ones who have claimed:
- "The Nigger…or…half man"
-addressing Blacks or Andeans!

Thank you my Samad; I am on right track.

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