Oxfam: The Principal Priority Is Love Poem by Denis Martindale

Oxfam: The Principal Priority Is Love

It's true that 'issues' come and go, except the vital ones...
Which tend to linger, as you know, till some start raising funds...
Poor people need to eat and drink - just like the rich folks do...
The ones that drape themselves in mink and dote on all things new...

The rich won't starve when plates are full and goblets flow with wine!
Of course, they'd say their lives are cool and everything was fine!
With chauffeurs washing limousines and servants cleaning rooms,
Yet while the rich graced magazines, the poor were placed in tombs!

How many rich guys do you meet? Not many, I would say...
How many poor guys do you greet as you go on your way?
Perhaps you give to charity... If so, God bless you, friend!
If not, you need some clarity, some focus, comprehend?

God knows if you can give or not! So God alone can judge...
God knows each blemish and each blot, each fumble and each fudge...
God knows if you will sacrifice or simply walk on by.
God knows the nasty from the nice and who will live... or die...

The baby with no mother's milk, the rich man in his bed,
The starlet draped in sumptuous silk, the leper filled with dread...
Sometimes my poems can't be sweet - they have a biting edge...
Perhaps they'll help somebody eat, if readers make some pledge...

A penny here, a pound or two, a tenner or a grand...
Perhaps this poem's just for YOU! Please lend a helping hand!
If not, the starving babies cry... the sick find no reprieve...
The dying merely sigh, 'Goodbye...' and then this world they leave...

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