Padding The Jury Pool To Their Control Poem by Roy Autry

Padding The Jury Pool To Their Control

I have no insight as to how juries might be padded the nation around
But I can tell you what in Henderson Co., TN can be found
The same little group usually gets called and also picked
Those the judge and D.A. cannot control, off they get kicked
They made a mistake in June of 1993
In the jury pool they slipped up and called in me
That term we were called in for six days
That was my first and last experience at seeing, at that angle, their plays
Of about 60 called in from some 10,000 qualified
It was easy to see that everything was cut and dried
The first day they picked the grand jury
They also picked one trial jury which included B.E.
B.E. was chosen also for each of the next four trial juries
"As illegal as hell" if you will excuse my furies
After the fifth days activities B.E. was excused from the sixth
And returned no more during that "Jury Rigging Fix"
We were not called back to court until Aug. 26, 1993
Where B.E. was again chosen for that jury
A total of 6 servings when only one is allowed
Showing that all rules had been up plowed
During the pick of jurors for the Dunivan vs. Dr.'s White and Henderson, lawsuit
The honorable??? Whit lafon pulled a card and called Roy...and stopped short
Judge Lafon throwed down that card like a hot fire coal
Leaving absolutely no doubt as to their goal
Throwing down that card brought lots of attention
Just a couple I want to mention
D.B. and L.F. were setting near me and ask me what is going on
Why was judge Lafon so flushed and his composure gone
Why would Judge Lafon discard a name he was in the process of calling
I told them, that is the way the political machine keeps the ball rolling
There will be no more jury for ole Peanuts
Or for anyone else who has the guts
This is how the evil political machine controls the courts in West TN
That is how the blue collar are sent up and the white collar go free
Henderson Co., Tennessee is Don Sundquist's strongest country
He gets more votes there than in any other country
The people of Henderson County support all of Sundquist's theft
They don't give a damn if nothing else is left
They don't care how much his bribeites steal
As long as sundquist gives the people his good will
Sundquist was stout as asafetida in Henderson County
But what ole Peanuts hears of late, things have changed plenty
I don't believe Sundquist could even take Henderson Co., If he runs again
I hope he does run, I would love to campaign against "Robin - Don" and his merry men
The elected officials control the court and everything else
They do it with the bribes they take from the bribeite scamps
They often give a million to crooked entrepreneurs
For kick-backs, to buy votes to keep their hands in the pies

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Roy Autry

Roy Autry

Parsons, Tennessee
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