Passion Not Principles Poem by Kevin Eickmeier

Passion Not Principles

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Hey I was in spired to writ again. Let me know what you think
I've had conversations with people much realer than myself about topics that hold no bearing on the world we live on.
I've seen fires burning in the hearts of the unmotivated that will never be quenched by the will to achieve their goals.
I've set goals based on passion not principles that I will attempt to attain till I'm laid to rest in the sea and set on fire.
My dreams are so big it would take earthquakes shaking the foundation to teeter the topics most are scared to approach.
I doubt ill ever find peace, not real peace, because satisfaction meens I'm no longer striving, but I strive for satisfaction.
This world is bigger than I know, but my thoughts run deeper than its seas, and they don't know when to stop.
The oldest memories I have take place in places I've long forgotten, but I visit them as a child that knows he won't forget.
The same child has walked through fire on beds of spikes, and come out untouched.
He's moved mountains to reach hills that he tripped over when the prairies were just steps away.

Kevin Eickmeier

Kevin Eickmeier

August 10 1978
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