Passions... Poem by kunjubi varghese


Passion in the mind felt for one’s mate

Abruptly changes to hatred, in the mind,

With disastrous consequences!

It is like the sudden seizure of oxygen in

The air we breathe, convert the world

Into the chasm, of a stand still, eternally.

Not wishing for flowers to bloom to morrow

Is factually committing suicide or homicide;

Closing the house of maternal labor,

Inducting, the finale of the human race.

They are not inclined to forbear each other

Through the matrimonial link, which now

Bind them, and declare husband and wife,

Till the gates, of the cemetery.

Their wombs refuse to bear a child;

Disinterested and immune to love,

Passion, or lust, not even goodwill.

Such feelings perpetrate, to create a pyre,

To burn and annihilate the mankind;

They are not prepared to make a fire by attrition

In a sacrificial ritual and kindle it,

And sustain it without extinction,

To give out the warmth, for nurturing the posterity.

Those who safeguard that fire and flame

Turns passion, into honoured love.

They are the ones, who build the house

Of humans; for generations, yet to originate,

To live in comfort, in years to come...

How amazing is that, the last hook

In the link of passions, is bonded to love,

In the human mind, and soul.

And in its wake, a bi-product emerges - LUST!

kunjubi varghese

kunjubi varghese

Trivandrum, Kerala, India
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