Perception Of One's View Poem by Brijaal Dana

Perception Of One's View

Love has nothing to do with happiness. Love may possibly be the most painful experience one may endure. Having never experienced a love once perceived as true, turns somewhat subjective, and not unconditional as once was thought. A mere perception of life, once thought possible, there was a dream, surreal like feeling that would emulate the feeling of the truest form of love that had immeasurable feelings of something having never felt before. I can say......... these feelings have been visited and there comes a price one pays to experience such a true love that, due to its delicate nature, may be short lived and the mourning is so greatly felt that it sometimes makes one's spirit crushed. If love has always equaled pain, where does one go from there? ? One may often feel as though the best way to avoid pain is to not love somebody, especially if it's genuine, due to the inner- most feelings of one's most emotional spirit that can sometimes be damaged beyond repair. Matters of the heart, is what allows acting 'out of love'. When matters of the heart effects our well being and pain is felt, realization of true love, sometimes can be measured from the depths of the wounds. A great pain is felt when a love is lost and the wounds are deep, and may be ever-lasting.

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