Perfect Poet Just Thinking Nothing Poem by Christina Simmons

Perfect Poet Just Thinking Nothing

Free to think of a dream world so much so everything is
Hazy: it's papier mache disintegrate into nothing; Geeza
You pop in my head once in awhile lose concentration
Cause one thought of you is so strong: lose my trial of thought
End up losing balance - Falling flat on my face

Trying to make any sense of this great mess neither of us wanted
It happened anyway; in front of my eyes is misty, it's foggy in the
Basement: close them shut, wiping like windscreens, until they become
Shiny windows: have some kind of control, hoping to understand
All the chaos round about

People say see a psychotherapist he'll help you visualise
What's going on, what has gone wrong, why its all haywire
My brain is the piece of matter use to think with: nag! Nag!
Keep away from too much coffee it contains caffeine prevents
Sleep a period for the brain to relax and rest soundly

Maybe don't have to think of every BIG and little thing
How to solve the problems of beautiful planet earth
What's the best way to climb down these narrow winding stairs
Which leads to the dark, dingy dungeon and slain the dragon
Who put a curse on the land, causing everyone to go Gaga

During the day get plenty of omega 3 fatty acids in your system,
Feel revitalize, energize; stay clear of omega 6 fatty acids
Mustn't get too low, nor too high, in-between the two is the way to be
Shove loans of fruits and vegetables in your gob - never know where to start or put a full stop; all the nonsense that goes round and round in my head when I rest my chin loosely on one hand - resembling a bronze statuette of the Thinker

Lips are humongous, that's what I get for having a philosophical
mind; jealousy, The green eye monster, is rife in everyone of us -
Thinking of nothing is a good thing: always thinking! Thinking
Although I don't want to too much prefer to remain completely
Still and empty like a brainless twit

sylvestina Silvers Simmons

Writing down all the rubbish my brain thinks about all in one go.
Christina Simmons

Christina Simmons

St Lucia, Caribbean.
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