Petty Sins (A Poem Drama) Poem by Kayode Orogbemi

Petty Sins (A Poem Drama)

Young and ambitous.
With eyes of a strong hope.
Handsome and blessed.
And the future in his eyes he always dressed.
His death he felt was not here.
The time he saw was many years...

And here came death..
He wasnt given a chance of another breath...
The hope in his eyes mangled.
And the life in the future he sees, strangled..

Now he knws not heaven.
Neigther does he aquaint the place named hell..
But he now lives in a world where only him speaks and only him hears his words..
Audible to the people he met..but everybody deaf to the wordz he said.
Himself he could see through the mirror.
But in their sight he holds no habour..
The life of the dead he now lives.
The wails from their tears he couldnt sieve..
He now lived his life alone to the opposite of his past merriment.
As he wandered his dead lifes remains in wait for judgement.

And here he stands before the creator.
And like the judgement feigned movies he had watched he can now see a reality actor.
Alone he stood with nobody to greet him congrats or serve as mourners when the aftermath of his judgement is announced...
And there before him the big books were flipped and hs past was played.

A past of chastity and strong faith..
Soaked wit love and always found in praise.
Speaking in the spirit and singing the lords coming to the streets..
Obedìent and loved..
And his love for christ the people trust.
'God bless u brother' graced everybodies lips.
Gods blessings and love promises where always his hopefull tip.

But his petty sins where also played..
The little mistakes and narrow path that to his fall lead..
His untrue worship and his feigned holiness and unknown satanic courtship.
His conditional boasts and unbiblical toasts..
The wrong doings he felt he needs not confess..
His past petty sins caused his loss of the heaven in his dreams.

And with the two ears of his he heard the group of words that the bible defined..
But in reality and well refined..
'Go away from me i do not know u' where the words from the creators mouth that came with the wind.
Hell was his punishment for his incomplete obedient to the christian creed.

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