Ph: Aging: More Beautiful With Age? Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Aging: More Beautiful With Age?

Do men grow more beautiful ageing?
It may not be fair but seems true,
Some process that's secretly working
To bring a man's heart into view.

And women seem openly jealous,
Divining miraculous change,
While counting their wrinkles and skin flaws,
Anticipate worse things downrange.

The male's role though does have its downsides
Among them are job loss and war,
Through stress we die thirteen years sooner,
And leave behind those we've worked for.

But men now approaching their sixties,
Surrender their need to control,
Their chance to advance almost over,
Priority given to soul.

Resigned more to what they've accomplished,
Their life's reputation in hand,
Find time now to reach out to others,
Permission to live off the land.

But women it seems are less happy,
Still struggling to keep things in check,
Their children successfully launched now,
The mothers still fearing shipwreck.

Perhaps it's the shock of child leaving,
The change much more sudden than man's,
A man can wind down expectations,
Has more time to rearrange plans.

Why is there a different stature,
This gap between woman and man?
A woman's life still gets less credit,
Though BOTH wilt in life's frying pan.

At times it seems all about money
Is anyone happy with that?
If money is life's final answer
Oh, let me just die in the fat*

There always are men who are scoundrels,
That doesn't mean all guys are bad,
And women who pop choc'late bonbons,
To punish a world that's gone mad.

In virtue there's always decision,
The wise should be happy with that,
There's one simple truth you can count on,
‘Not easy, ' is life's caveat.

Disparity is not an answer,
A shipwreck on rocks of life's shore.
What value there men can be proud of?
Guys! Our gals should be honored more!

Perhaps there are lessons for both here,
A chance to evaluate loss,
Appreciate gifts that are given,
Remind ourselves God is true Boss!

Brian Johnston
August 24,2014

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Poet's Notes
Additional voting or rating of this poem and be done by simply including your vote in a comment on the poem. I will update my poems rating later in a way that blocks Merov from altering the points given to the poem by more friendly reviewers. Apperantly the only number keys that work on Merov's computer are 0 and 1.: -) Poor Merov.

* ‘out of the fat and into the fire' is an English idiom that implies that in trying to escape a little heat (in the fat - responsibility perhaps one can fall out of the pan and wind up directly in the fire (most certainly worse) .
Dinesan Madathil 28 August 2014

Men begin to be handsomer from their 40th year or so, their faces get a glow and shape from that age onwards. But all the thrill is spoiled by the hair that loses the shine and original colour. Men who reach sixties may not look very aged if the average statistics is taken. Men laugh more often and remain happier than women. Women look beautiful at every stage of their age in fact. It is because the very world around men from an early stage teaches them that her beauty is not judged by the looks of the face alone! It is a matter of an admission of a prejudiced view here. We men have to regret for the same if any woman rightly thinks that it is a wrong assessment. It is just a practice to believe that women appear to be more stressed Only some of them might be plagued by the parameters applied by Ms Valsa. It all depends on the type of family she has got where she shares the responsibilities. There are many exceptions of men over straining while their women relaxingly lead a life. Men needing to respect women in an unusual context still smacks reason and let men and women recognise each other ever and ever. Anyways here is a cheerful poem from you sir.

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Valsa George 27 August 2014

A Man's life has been more comfortable compared to a woman's as she is pinned down by the onerous resposibilities of child bearing, bringing them up and taking care of the domestic affairs! Men usually after retirement settle down with some socializing and charitable acts. A woman is still plagued by anxieties about the children and even about her looks! But as you say women get less credit and men have an edge over them though she is wilted more by the tortuousness of life. The poet feels uncomfortable over the disparity and is large hearted enough to give greater respect to them! We women folk applaud your generosity! !

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