Ph: Health: Too Focused On Health Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Health: Too Focused On Health

Retirement comes, I'm at loose ends,
But blessed to have some loyal friends
From work, from church, from family,
And tennis, gym less formally,
A men's group too for two decades,
My social life had no blockades.
I hadn't started writing yet,
So not so many friends from Net.

In gyms, I met folk quite devout
For staying fit and working out.
I'd never been an athlete,
At first, routines were quite a treat,
Pumped iron and swam and grew quite strong,
But pressed too hard and worked too long,
Was plagued in fact by injury,
This latest gig a misery.

Wrecked both my shoulders swimming laps,
The older prone to such mishaps?
I know this now but then naive,
Sought no advice, did not conceive
My older body worse for wear,
Would soon require high-priced repair!
Each shoulder took six months to mend,
One wiser might not want to spend.

A health investment worth the price,
But time regained, I'd seek advice,
Before pursuing fitness so,
More balance lead to healthy glow
(Though I don't make Charles Atlas proud.)
Dare I to say these words out loud?
Just health! What need have I for fame!
Let me be me, where is the shame?

Brian Johnston
15th of June 2018

Friday, June 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: health
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