Poem For Hiram Boardman's Sisters Poem by Elisha Dixon

Poem For Hiram Boardman's Sisters

Come Sisters of a Soldier Boy
Hear What I'm going to tell
About a seen that did occur
Whare Hiram Boardman fell
The evening of the 19th day
Of September '62
He marched with furmness to the fite
That raged within our view
He doublequicked for one half mile
Formed quickly in the place
To take an active part with those
That fought with face to face
The cannons roared the smoke curled up
The dead lay scattered round
The wounded was conveyed away
From off this bloody ground
Then with the darkness of night
The firing died away
But all our lines of battle strong
We held till the next day
With guns in hand we prostrate lay
Till twelve o'clock at night
A line of Rebels then appeared
In frunt full in our sight
We halted them and ordered them
To come in one by one
One did obey and is this day
A prisoner of war
But all the others did disperse
And fired into our lines
A volly to we gave them quick
Which sooted to our minds
This was the final fatal hour for us
Now Sisters, all we tell
That when the Rebels fired at us
Young Hiram Boardman fell
We feel our loss a braver boy
Was not within our ranks
But on the field strong men must yeild
And brave all things with thanks
Cheer up now Sisters do not mourn
For Hiram is at rest
He fought his fight his victorys won
He now lies with the blest

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