Prayer Poem by Regina Riddle


Praying for a special request
Might mean you're praying for
A friend to be saved or healed
A heart to be given true grace
A mind to be filled with good
A sign that your life is as it should be

Praying for something you need
Maybe a second chance for a dream
Some special request for a new thing
Possibly, inspiration to keep giving
A moment to share with your friend
A gesture of affection from a spouse

Praying for a revival at the local church
The meeting of hearts in spiritual worship
Going to the alter to pray all together
For unsaved people in absolute need
Those who will discover the joy of the Lord
When they open their hearts to His love

Praying for the homeless, the poor and needy
Those who go without week after week
The ones who are feeble and frail and afraid
Those who only God can bless with power
The reassurance that they can make it through
Stand the trials and pain they're struggling with

Praying for our yearnings, our hopes, our hearts
We sometimes fail to listen to the all knowing God
The One who can reveal the sincere joy of love
And send us blessings of faith beyond our thoughts
The One who can fill us with the wisdom to let go
And let God take full control of our bold journey

Praying is our way to reach out toward our Savior
I think it's wise to listen for whatever He answers
Those replies of His are sent on wings of angels
Delivered with a renewed sense of true peace
Assurance that we have everything we need
Because, above all, we have Him there inside us

©2019 by Regina Riddle

Saturday, October 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: god,jesus,love,prayer,prayers
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