President Joe Biden Arrives In A Historic Visit In Kiev Poem by Gert Strydom

President Joe Biden Arrives In A Historic Visit In Kiev

'It was very late at night in Washington,
very early in the morning here in Kiev.
Russian planes were in the air, and tanks
were rolling across your border. You told me
that you could hear the explosions
in the background. I'll never forget that
and the world was about to change.
I remembered it vividly because I asked you:
'what is there, Mr. President?
What can I do for you? How can I be of help? '

'You said, and I quote:
'gather the leaders of the world.
Ask them to support Ukraine.''
US President Joe Biden

During the past year President Biden did his best
to gather the leaders of the world to get aid,
did this in an apocalyptic time when the world was afraid.
To the help against attacking Russia history will attest:

about a man in his latter years that did address,
the dire need for survival as a Super Power did invade,
where NATO and 50 countries resolve displayed,
against evil: to take by force acquiesced.

A tablet in the heroic walk bares Biden's name:
a man at heart following appeasement
but beyond mere fear brave to act and stand
and for America's help maybe this is a small acclaim,
as the world braced for Kiev to fall he acted decent:
for victory modern weapons have the upper hand.

About a year later Ukraine still stands,
where against autocracy democracy remains,
the most powerful man Putin constrains:
speaks of women, children and leaders lending a hand,

where a heavy toll sometimes destiny demands,
as for survival people faced the Russian campaigns,
wanted liberty from oppression and despotic chains,
acted in bravery against evil that some not understands

where murder, pillage, robbery and rape,
the destruction of lives and livelihood,
are in the lives of normal people in Ukraine.
Deportation from which children do not escape:
where misuse and indoctrination is more than a likelihood
and war-crimes and crimes against humanity remain.

On this day I witnessed Joe Biden stepping up:
speaking about a coalition of over 50 nations,
about 700 tanks, thousands of armour in affirmation,
with 1000 artillery systems and munitions to backup,

50 advanced rocket systems to be setup,
ship and air defence systems to face Russian altercations
and on how he handles the war I have admiration,
where void the media is to look at the war close-up:

to notice the Mariupol theatre being destroyed,
hospitals, schools, kindergartens and apartments
where Russia tried to make it a year of fear,
where phosphorus are by the Russians being employed,
assassinations by the FSB, GRU and other departments
while decimation of Wager and Russian forces is near.

In a world where unchecked aggression
is a threat to every man, woman and child,
where this goes hand in hand with oppression,
where some is still by the Russians beguiled,

in a way presidents Joe Biden and Zelensky did rally
the great majority of the world to help in dire need,
where at the extremes politicians did dillydally,
while with more atrocities Russia did proceed.

'All Ukrainians, remind the world every single day,
what the meaning of the word 'courage' is.'
'Freedom is priceless, ' no one can just take it away,
even if with hatred and envy the enemy fizz.

To take from the weaker as a country is strong
is being plainly evil, without character and wrong.

[Poet's note: The poet is apolitical. This poem expresses a moment where a man as a mere human being stands against the aggression and atrocities that have a possibility to effect all human beings.]
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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