Primogeniture Exclusive Right Of Inheritance Poem by Terence George Craddock

Primogeniture Exclusive Right Of Inheritance

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what results achieved what future degrees
originated in lusty play in silky mattress
primogeniture exclusive right of inheritance
eldest son takes all all belongs to eldest son

first-born male right of entirety claims
privileged first son takes family titles
parent's wealth estate office everything takes
England a British Empire built on absolutes

all power wealth resources
into hands of one inherited
kept family strong alliances
strong armies equipped ruled

splitting up wealth resouces lands
made vulnerable split weak families
easier to attack conquer divide spoils
invited dark plots invasions chaos

oncoming offspring did not fight for survival
survival of fittest was family kept strongest
bad leadership bad heirs could topple families
heirs were trained groomed for leadership tasks

family tribes alliances countries together stood or fell
history bled time troubles with enemies without within
silky mattress does stir images born with silver spoon
in the mouth but privilege with sword at side was held

born with a plastic spoon in the mouth survival fights
are more recent trends once poor at lord's side fought
lord men together stood fought lived or beaten died
lord's responsibility was to keep land holdings strong

industrialization destroyed bound bond sacred trust
landless were cast aside cast out to maximize profit
not needed numbers to work efficient machined land
nothing in life is fair take keep what defense you hold

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: family,inheritance,responsibility
Inspired by the poem 'Result Of The Lusty Play In The Silky Mattress! ' by the poet Dr.V.K. Kanniappan.
Dedicated to the poet Dr.V.K. Kanniappan.
Original version of the split images 'England A British Empire Built On Primogeniture', 'Privileged First-Born Son Takes All', 'With Sword Privilege Comes Blood Responsibilities' and 'Lord's Heraldic Responsibility Industrialization Disowned' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Written in December 2015 on the 21&29.12.2015.
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