Prisoner Poem by Alex Guzman


I'm not a prisoner
I just can't be
Waiting every Tuesday to tune into tv
Being hypnotized by the stars
while they take away our rights to put us right behind bars

I can't be a prisoner
there's no way
Hey did you know I'm on their prescription drugs so that way
I can be a Slave to their political ways and not notice
The subliminal waves to be controlled and locked up and put away

I'm also eating a lot isn't that weird
fat, lazy and have no drive to vote
But hey I'll take a douhble cheeseburgers without fear

No I'm not a prisoner I'm bright
But wait if my government does take away my rights
Will I fight?
Probably not cause I'm scarred, what if I get hauled off to jail
freedom of assemble Seems to fail
and what the hell
am I doing
I'm losing my train of thought is it the ADHD
Or is the man trying to control me.

I'm not prisoner
ok I admit it
I'm fat, stupid and addicted to these figments
On TV and oh I like the pills they gave me
I really don't care about anything

I'm finally a prisoner
I'm regretting never paying attention
These metal bars really put reality into perspective
Controlled by a system today
Learn your facts
or get picked up, cuffed and locked away

Alex Guzman

Alex Guzman

Gilbert, Az
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