Psychobabble Scribble Squabble And Scrabble (2) First Stanza Rough Poem by Edwin Tanguma

Psychobabble Scribble Squabble And Scrabble (2) First Stanza Rough

Psychobabble Scribble Squabble And Scrabble (2) First Stanza Rough

1 The world we live in is a wonderful place
2 And through God's grace it is filled with such beauty
3 From rocks to the trees and fish swimming in streams
4 Who other than God could have done such a job
5 Thank heavens for the wonder of creation
6 God created everything under the sun
7 Or so it's written in the Holy Bible
8 So why did he create us to destroy it
9 For it appears that everything mankind does
10Destroys what God has created for our good
11Yet in our eyes everything that we create
12Is truly magnificent and wonderful
13We all feel and believe we are all mighty
14After all we can build cars and bullet trains
15And of course we have jet planes and submarines
16We've mastered travel on land and in the sea
17Oh we have come such a long way since the wheel
18What of the days when we abided in caves
20Those days of using stone implements are gone
21For we are now the masters for we create
22Some in their hearts even believe they are Gods
23Or at least as close to Gods as they can get
24Why did God fill mankind's hearts with such folly
25Maybe he didn't maybe it was mankind
26Could such folly have come through our ignorance
27If you feel you are not ignorant you are
28Denial is the root of all ignorance
29Those in denial are the most ignorant
30Wisdom is something very few men possess
31Although many men believe that they are wise
32They are merely blinded by their ignorance
33For wisdom does not come to one overnight
34It may take some a lifetime to learn wisdom
35Then there are those who will never attain it
36Yet what is wisdom without having knowledge
37Many think knowledge and wisdom are the same
38They have not understanding which is the key
39Some search high and some search low to find the three
40And when they find them they feel they've reached the end
41There is still faith hope and charity to learn
42This road in life is a long road to travel
43There are very few travelers on this path
44Many are on the trail to riches and fame
45The lusts of life can be truly deceiving
46After all pleasure is much better than pain
47This simple path is the path of destruction
48How long will mankind continue on this course
49God's word states there is a heaven and a hell
50I believe the world as it is now is hell
51Will there ever be a heaven here on Earth
52That will all depend upon mankind's choices
53If our past is a gauge of what is to come
54I can hardly wait to happily greet death
55For I know it's then that I'll meet my maker
56I hope and pray that I'll meet him in heaven


Edwin Tanguma © 4/22/2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: silly
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