Quid Pro Quo. Poem by Graham Jones

Quid Pro Quo.

Rating: 4.0

My love has gone forever, I know it to be true
I know I cannot face it, like so many others do
It sits inside me waiting, like some dead thing cast aside
It gnaws and picks around my heart, till theres nothing left inside

I feel as though I'm passing through, some dark and empty state
One minute full of sadness, and the next consumed by hate
I feel so sick and helpless, I don't know what to do
Oh! God please take the pain away, or help me see it through

This can't go on forever, or so I have been told
I feel betrayed emotionallly, and left out in the cold
Again the tears are welling up, to trickle down my face
My heart screams out to run and hide, to find some other place

I did'nt ask to fall in love, my souls in utter torment
The pain I feel is oh so real, just stem the flow a moment
I close my eyes and peace descends, my thoughts reflect no more
And gently as I slip away, so does the bottle to the floor.

Linda Ori 28 January 2006

Graham - This is the first time I have read your poems - this one in particular hits close to home, - very painful and consuming. I am there, have been there too many times. Caught between two emotions - wanting to be strong, but not knowing how. You describe the feeling 'beautifully' and truthfully. Love it! Linda

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