R-Mornings Poem Poem by Denis Martindale

R-Mornings Poem

I watch in wonder day by day,
R-Mornings has it all,
A time to really, really pray,
To seek a miracle!

To get an update on the news,
The Good News and the rest,
To gain insights and points of views
And from these, to be blessed!

I love the smiles I see on screen,
I love the jokes as well
And songs of praise shown in-between,
What wondrous truths they tell!

God has so much to teach us!
There's lots to hear and see!
If R-Mornings pleases Jesus,
That's good enough for me!

Denis Martindale 30 March 2016.

Find out more by watching Revelation TV,
the Christian channel on Sky TV that is
part of the 'Church Without Walls'...

Birgit Whelan read the poem out today...

R-Mornings Poem
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: jesus,god,gospel,miracle,praise,prayer,television
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