Race Of Life Poem by Vinaya Joseph

Race Of Life

Rating: 5.0

Sometimes I think,
Life is a paradox,
How absurd we humans are,
People here are in a mad race,
And live in darkness,
Created by desires,
A world of illusions,
A world of ambitions,
I see people making plans,
Short-term, long-term, all sorts…
Set targets and frame timelines to attain,

Sometimes I think,
We have become bloody hoarders!
Here everyone wants to achieve,
Some goal or the other,
Some hope to acquire wealth,
Some hope to acquire health
Some hope to acquire wisdom,
Some hope to acquire peace,
Some hope to acquire comfort,
Some seek excellence,
While, some seek love
The list is endless…
Time and again,
I deny being part of this race
Yet, unknowingly, I am drawn into it…

Life is a paradox
We run behind satisfaction,
Chasing our dreams,
Amusing ourselves with the little gains,
Creating happiness in our brains,
This supposedly gives meaning to our lives,
Stimulus to our thoughts,
But this bloody process never comes to an end,
We scale one height of success,
And see in the near distance,
Another mountain to climb,
Yet another challenge to conquer

Little wonder that life,
Becomes a constant struggle,
And where does this race end,
Where is the finishing line?
At death's bosom,
And what do we actually have then,
Nothing, absolutely nothing
The last lap,
Is the most beautiful one
We leave behind everything,
And are grounded
All the worldly desires,
That our soul seeks,
Comes to a naught
And life loses, death wins
And this has been the only way,
Through decades of existence

Oh death,
You are the period of life's sentence,
You liberate us,
From the affliction,
That affection brings forth…

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Vinaya Joseph

Vinaya Joseph

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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