Reality - Eating Monsters Poem by Mark Hopwood

Reality - Eating Monsters

I looked through your window
And saw your solar-powered platform shoes
You were still inside them and that gave me the blues
Because you were dead,
So I guess you did really lose your head.
A single rose lay burning on the floor
Next to the table, near the door
As your dog cut the carpet into crop circles
Using scissors, I couldn't believe it.

I turned to run but tripped over a boat
That was sailing through my mind, keeping my eyes afloat
So I stood up and ran to be saved
But that was in vain as I soon felt a blade
Slice through my neck and my head bounced to the ground
I quickly picked it up thinking, I'm not hanging around,
My eyes were glazed and my body said nothing at all
so I ran the way i was facing and crashed into a wall
Then it came tumbling down and squashed me quite flat
And then I woke up, and i was really glad to be out of that.

I thought for a second, then opened my eyes
To see a boat sailing away through the skies
The next thing I knew my body walked past me
Have I lost my head or has my head lost me?

Dawn Fuzan 15 May 2014

Mr Hopwood I like your uneque style.

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