Remember That Blue Sky? Poem by Curry Bascue

Remember That Blue Sky?

Remember that blue sky?
The sun and clouds,
In an inseparable scene,
Just like you and me.

The blue sky returns once again,
It calls your name, yet leaves me behind.
I reach for you again,
One last time…
To bridge the forming void between us.
Reaching with both hands,
I grasp you,
That one last moment.
That last embrace
And I leave you with nothing.

Nothing but our memories.

It’s my turn to leave,
And to follow the new road ahead of me
As I slowly lose sight of you in the distance.
I’ll see you in the clouds until you return.
So far from grasp,
Yet always near…
When the leaves begin to fall from the sky,
I’ll be there to catch you as you descend,
That moment when we meet again,
And you return.
Like a bluebird riding the breeze,
So cheerful and happy.

Until that moment I’ll look to the sky.
With envy and my handful of mixed emotions,
But our memories will still remain.
And I’ll get past the pain someday soon.
I may yell to the sky…
But I yell your name.
I yell for your return.
For me to put my arms around you,
And embrace you again.
You may not see me, but I’m here.
In sunshine or in shadow,
As long as you need me or want me,
I’ll be there.
Do you remember?
Remember that blue sky?

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