Black Fear Poem by Curry Bascue

Black Fear

Is it wrong to feel fear?
I do trust you above anything else.
However, will things ever change?
I don’t want to face another change,
Flipping the pages so many times,
Some books look perfect on the surface,
But you can’t read every page.
How much of you do I know?
I hope it’s as much as you know about me.

Is there a clock over our heads?
Counting the moments until everything comes to
a screeching halt and shatters.
I hate that sound… That feeling,
The overwhelming cold that takes you captive
after all is said and done,
The shattered pieces you find on the floor,
And every time this event occurs,
The other takes one last piece of you,
You’ll never recover that last piece,
But instead you move on, with another small hole in your heart.

I’ll take the time I have now though,
Everything I have now means so much more
to me than the pain I may feel later.
I’ll tell you again, I trust you.
Yet still,
What if I was the one who sped up the clock?
What if I was the one who made the mistake?
Tell me,
Would you forgive me, and let me keep my heart as well?
To be forced to see the pain, tears, and fists in your eyes,
How much would I be able to take?
I don’t even know…
I won’t be the one to cure your smile.
I may cure your frowns, but I won’t break you.
Been there and walked down that path a few times,
Never I willingly shall return there.
Surly you feel the same.

I won’t break my own heart,
Neither will I push you away or be the problem,
I’ll try to be everything you need me to be,
As long as I can.
Tell me though,
Is it still wrong to feel fear?

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