Right Now Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Right Now

Now hear my word; those
of you who know righteousness
Hear within you, what you are hearing, and
have an understanding of the works of God
For He Knows every one of US
He knows US every one
And His will, will judge
all of humanity, who deny Him
Because all of his children, have
in this day, turned away from Him
He has again hidden his face from all
of his children, and denies all sanctuary
And has once again placed His sword
in the hands of Michael the Arc Angel
He has remembered His Covenant with
all of His children and laments over this
The remnant He left, is no longer the
Remnant he left, and sad is this to Him
For His thought is His thought is
His thought… as was the wrath…
And in this time the sons of that hand in that
land; He has given them all of your hands…
Do you believe we are all God'
children, and that He visits each of US?
Do you believe all of His children should
be able to live together in peace?
Do you believe all of His children have no justification
in killing for killing of any of His children?
God's seed is planted by His thought, and His thoughts
are the laws of His seed; are they not!
And the result of His thought is the root of all
thought; is this not the absolute truth!
Or is there any other than His children who has
His mind here on this earth; to disprove this!
You, all of you, are His children; is this not the
absolute truth to the all of you children?
Are your marks that are your marks any more
Different in your palms than the fronds of any Palm?
So some of you children of God are not children of God?
You know, of His thought of His children?
Answer these questions within your hearts, minds, and
spirits; please answer them for yourselves and
for your souls, fore if you have a soul, you are
a child of God… if not; then just you let me know and I
will make that change with your last heart beat!

Israel sent into Captivity,3-4. A Root of God's planting made to spring forth after 200 B.C. and a Teacher of Righteousness raised up,5-8. Description of Israel's Wickedness in the First Century B.C. or at an earlier date,9-17
['Now, therefore, hearken (unto me) all ye who know righteousness and have understanding in the works of God.
For He hath a controversy with all flesh and will execute judgment upon all who despise Him
For because of the trespass of those who forsook Him He hid His face from Israel and from His Sanctuary
And gave them over to the sword But when He remembered the covenant of the forefathers He left a remnant to Israel, and gave them not over to destruction And in the period of the wrath three hundred and ninety years after
He had given them in the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon He visited them, and He made to spring forth from Israel and Aaron A root of His planting to inherit His land, And to grow fat through the goodness of His earth']

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