Roar (Ballade) Poem by Gert Strydom

Roar (Ballade)

(in answer to André Letoit)

A part of the world is covered by darkness,
high above me the torches of God do burn,
where the moon hangs bloody red
as if it's fulfilling a prediction
and humanity is infatuated by pleasure and lust,

where people like hungry lions do roar at each other
and do eat each other to the bone,
as if they are forgetting God,
their husbands and wives and all principles,
do alive devour each other as if love is not even a side-issue,
when everywhere people do get hold of each other in wild passions

in a moral dilapidated century
where everyone do try to find meaning,
where people do make a living in any way
and I do smell rain in God's wind,
notice a string of beautiful women,
the most lovely that does exist,
walk into a whorehouse
and do feel in this city,
in this changed world,
lost like a child.

There are black whores on a street corner in Sunnyside
who do uncover themselves,
a thunder flash does hit down with the voice of God
and that ray is blinding and huge
and they are so friendly
and nonchalant as if they can bring a change
when a couple do push a baby-pram
with love past across the street

and I do wonder how did we now come to this place
as the presence of God is still everywhere,
where the churches are almost declining
and heathen barbarians do rule over the country,
where even the escapades of the leaders
of government do constantly astonish everyone

it's as if the music, the lights, the food and liquor
do take a person away to a magic world
and even in this city there are doves
that does coo to each other
are telling about the goodness of God
but everyone is blinded against this
and like gods are set on the self,
do not notice the war that has been raging for centuries
between the light and darkness,

do almost believe that a mere moment of pleasure
can turn a hellish life around,
when the darkness do creep into the heart
where only God can stop it totally
and I do want to roar out that the omnipotent Lord God
is going to come with a judgment,
do want to jump out
and affront the whole world with Him

but in the back streets the rubbish bins
do vomit the rubbish out,
where children are hungry without food,
and I do know that the Lord God
does constantly provide and do safe me
where I do have no income
and it's a difficult road of trust and hope
where other men are decades without work
and their women cannot stop the whoring

and still more intensely I do pray
for the self-focussed government to fall
do call to the omnipotent, omniscient
and omnipresent God of the universe,
do roar out my sighs
and those of every oppressed sinful human being to Him
where my country, my people
and my whole world does constantly decline around me,

do know that shortly
His Day of Judgement will come unstoppable
as actually in the final picture everything does turn around Him
when He will jerk everything in this cruel world to a standstill,
to come claim back every human being
and everything in love as His own property.

[Reference:"grom" (growl)by André Letoit.]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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