Rose 3 - The Unique Yellow Rose Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Rose 3 - The Unique Yellow Rose

Rating: 5.0

My sisters - red rose and pink rose
Are fabulous beauties,
The bees and butterflies
Are attracted to their colours.
And hover over them like
Ardent lovers.
The couples in love go crazy
When they see my ravishing sister Red Rose;
While they sing and dance in merriment
When they see my sister Rosy Rose.

Oh! But I do not envy my sisters-
Red Rose or Rosy Rose,
Because I am enough and more,
As the unique yellow Rose!
I am proud of my golden colour,
So bright and bubbly,
Kissed by the golden sun,
Loved by the yellow warblers,
Worshipped by the God's followers,
Surrounded by the spiritual seekers!

Rose 3 - The Unique Yellow Rose
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: flowers,rose,beauty of rose,beautiful,family,affinity and love,flower
Rajnish Manga 15 February 2022

Oh! But I do not envy my sisters- Red Rose or Rosy Rose. That's the beauty of all flora and fauna. They support each other and are never envious. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem.

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Vrinda 13 February 2022

Wonderful poem.

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Nabakishore Dash 11 February 2022

An excellent write Madam Menon which creates a good imagination.

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David Wood 10 February 2022

Excellent poem Geeta, well penned. I am waiting for spring to see my rose bush in my garden bloom again.

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 10 February 2022

beautiful natural color endears everything and everyone; beautiful poem penned

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