Running Away From Me... Poem by Ronan Gough

Running Away From Me...

Rating: 5.0

A poem I wrote a month ago.
Took me about a half hour to write,
but then it went through the polishing stage, and here it is.
Hope you like it.

What is that thumping, ticking sound?
Like a pair of hooves, galloping upon the ground?

It keeps itself, a steady pace, as it runs,
in the race.

It never stops, and never thinks, not to breathe, not to blink.
It keeps on going. I admire the way, it goes on and on, never
lookin back, keeps its eyes on the track.

It never takes even a little break,
just sets its mind, on the chosen place.
It really isn't running anywhere, just running?

As I run, in pursuit, I hear that ticking noise again.
It glides, like a ship, set on sail.
My feet, they thread across the ground, taunted by that ticking sound.
Soon I get left behind, unable to keep on its tail.

Fainter and fainter, are the running feet, fainter becomes the sound, of ticking,
but it comes again, it comes around. I feel its mocking me, as it comes, and goes,
leaving me in its wake.
I try to catch my breath, I need to take a break.

It holds no mercy towards me, it never waits and
in a tick tock manner, it returns again
and all I can do is gaze in awe as it races upon the ground.
It must have gone a million times, even more, but still it goes.

It never eats, never drinks, never sleeps, never stops to think.

Just runs and runs, then runs some more. It keeps at that steady beat,
every hour of every day, of every week, of every month and of every year!
Keeps on going.

I wonder what it could be, but time?
Time running away...
Time, running away from me, endlessly.
As I watch, time, is running away from me...

© 2006 to rpmg

Chantelle Clark 21 June 2006

This poem is very true but it is also Ironic, we are chasing or trying to keep up with something that is artificial but yet it still runs our days. Time is a very universal thing, it is always going always, its kinda creepy if you think about it. But hey most things are. Nice poem although I think the title maybe should have No Time because if your trying to catch up with it and it keeps passing you by then its not there, and then again it is. (does that make any sense lol) Anyway very good poem.

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Nalini Hebbar 21 June 2006

very very true..ronan...why dont you change the name? ...let there be no TIME in the then retain the catch till the end...lovely poem...your first?

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