Sadness Poem by mark anthony st. rose


When sadness wraps the mind of a child
and happiness is a foregone conclusion conceived
in the minds as illusion of those who ignore the plight of
the poor and store more wealth in their mansions of insatiable desires
unkowingly lighting the fires that lead the path to humanity's hell;
but still the capitalist tell
of their blind prophecies,
seen by fake degrees
shining on Universities
yet still the sun descends,
failing to make amends,
when will the suffering end?
asks the child knelt in fallen prayer,
like a statue with a frozen tear,
Dear God no one seems to care?
so still on the streets he sleep,
looks up sees the sky peep
through the dark blanket of night
promising one day the light.
the child shivers wishing for the hope of dawn,
morning comes but only hunger spawn
stretched hands his daily occupation,
distasteful scorns his salutation.
but few there be that lend a hand,
few there be in this wretched land.
he watches them with tearfilled eyes,
whispers together we shall share Paradise.

So when sadness wraps the mind of a child
and happiness is a foregone conclusion conceived in the minds
as an illusion of those who ignore the plight of the poor
and store more wealth in their mansions of insatiable desires
lighting unknowingly the fires
that lead the path to humanity's hell
yet still the capitalist tell
of their blind prophecies
seen by fake degrees
shining on Universities be continued

copyright by Mark Anthony St. Rose.All rights reserved

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