Say My Name Again, My Love Poem by emina dove

Say My Name Again, My Love

Say my name again.
I know this love is real.
Cause, everytime I hear your call,
I feel that feeling.
It al starts in my heart
And goes out my lips.
Say my name again.

I see you and your smile.
I hear you and your heart beat.
This love that brings us as one.
Is as loud as sirens.
Off we go! Driving towards Love St.
No one can stop us, no one can block us.
It's just you and me.
And must I mention love?

We define lovein every turn and every curve.
No words need to be said, for our hearts beat as one.

In our hearts, we carve each other's name.
An eraser won't do, to break the name you must break the heart.
You and I aren't like that though.
Steal the name, steal the heart. We'll still be one.
No super power can take away what we have.
Fate brings us together, beliefs tighten us together,
And we attach ourselves to each other.

We define love in every turn and every curve.
No words need to be said, for our hearts beat as one.

Say my name again.

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