Scobie Breasley Poem by Francis Duggan

Scobie Breasley

He was arguably Australia's greatest jockey the marvellous Scobie Breasley he is dead
A champion horseman in England and Australia to be a champion jockey he was bred
A little man but big in all other ways so likeable and one without conceit
He made a huge impression on so many a nicer man 'tis said one could not wish to meet.

In his honour there is the Scobie Breasley medal the medal top Australian jockeys hope to win
For those short listed for the Scobie medal the journey to far greater things begin
But this year he will not be there for to present his medal
when the jubilant winner the racing panel will name
Without the one the medal was named to honour the evening it will hardly be the same.

He was arguably Australia's greatest jockey and one of the World's greatest in his prime
But Scobie like so many before him he had to bow to ageless father time
But for as long as there is horse racing he will be remembered for the many great horses to victory he did ride
He surely was a master in the saddle and his worth of him could never be denied.

Scobie Breasley has had his appointment with the Reaper one of the greatest jockeys of them all
His big race winners in Australia and England the lovers of horse racing will long recall
A champion sportsman and a champion person and few with Scobie could hope to compare
He was one who did become World famous the Scobie Breasleys of the World are rare.

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