Script Writers Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Script Writers

sometimes I wonder why so many scripts sound the same
you know, you should have, if you'd looked before you leaped...
you've never had a grain of sense in your head

not enough sense to come out of the rain
one picnic short of a sandwich who needs to know
you and inquiring minds; you and whose army

who's wearing the pants go to the ants you sluggards
who's getting the grants, it's so dog eat dog and
water logged never starred but you'll go far

every time you just happened to hear in the school yard
who was your servant this time, last year
dumb cluck ewok sad sack break your Mother's back

you've let us all down get out of town psycho loco
spaced out whacked out with a brilliant mind
so don't mind them; who died and made them God so

sticks and stones the flock all together
come out of the weather
unfair feathered friends and how the story

begins and ends
and begins come rain or shine
we just want what's best for you

Time out of mind

mary angela douglas 15 january 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: communication
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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