Searching For A Better Life Poem by ANKWASA HARLORD

Searching For A Better Life

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Tired of sleeping hungry
Our degrees and certificates
Having nowhere to take "us"
We say to ourselves
Why don't we try UNITED ARAB STATES
since our governments seem to
Have nothing to offer to us,
As we fantasize on having a better life in the diaspora.

Some of us seek revelation in Europe
Tired of torture, rape and human trafficking,
People sold like beans in the market
Leaving us with no option,
Boarding boats to overseas
Not knowing how to swim, hoping for a better life,
This becoming a battle between
Life and death with nowhere to huddle!

On reaching our revelation,
Vampires are ready to sunk life from us
As our passports are withheld,
Forced to carryout prostitution
With more than five men a day
Some of us forced to have sex with dogs
As if they were human beings!
Our kidneys and other body parts sold to the rich,
As if we said we are tired of living.

Back home they are aware of
Our mode of life overseas
the hullabaloo is not made
About our struggles in the overseas
Rather is made on the amendment of
the constitution and marriages of celebrities,
Not forgetting their life styles but not us.

As we are turning to an old new song,
In the land we thought of harambee and ujaama
Having black in our national flags.

Thursday, December 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: despair
Harlord Meddy 20 March 2020

Our people die from abroad by our govts do nothing.... It's a pity

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