Self Sacrifice Poem by Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan

Self Sacrifice

Rating: 5.0

The most difficult job is self sacrifice
Which soldiers always dare to portray
Their patriotism help to suffice
Enlightened in them like a ray

They strive and struggle relentlessly
They never opt to relax and stay
They do not have any vested interests
But fight with their faith day by day

Hence they are to be appreciated
In their honest struggle and pursuit
Their honesty of purpose shouldn't be negated
Their courage for the nation justify their suit

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2013 (GOLDEN GLOW}

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 30 December 2014

The most difficult job is self sacrifice Which soldiers always dare to portray Their patriotism help to suffice Enlightened in them like a ray... nice lnes...10 who can say? few words i beautiful way theirs is selfless play almighty has honored their stay

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Lorraine Colon 30 December 2014

This is a glowing tribute to soldiers. Their bravery and self-sacrifice must be recognized and appreciated, and you do it so well in this poem.

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Savita Tyagi 30 December 2014

Soldiers are most courageous of all. We are fortunate to read poetry of a person who is not only a soldier but possesses a sensitive and poetic heart as well. Thank you for sharing.

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Salini Nair 30 December 2014

great tribute for all solldiers....hats off to persons

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