Serayu River Side Poem by Ade Rachman

Serayu River Side

If you want to stop by writing a poem
The side of Serayu river is a quite inspiring
Come here by afternoon through the long red bridge
Then you trace down the side of river
Vaguely you will hear the voice of real love
of wind softly abort young plume of maize
Feel how amicable the twilight embrace
using a decorative group of swallows

Here by the side of Serayu river
You must be envy to become another creature
Become drizzles glide to plunge to the elephant ear leaves
Or joining with fogs to touch all pine’s sprout
as morning dew to address the trumpet flowers

If lodging in country houses here
Wind night will continue to caress your hair from window
Behind house, bloomy so much weeds
Grasshopper trying to jump over the full moon

Don't stop flickering your eye until morning
Bring your cup to the river side
Words and rhyme will emerge
from your smoking coffee.

Ahmad Shiddiqi 02 September 2008

wonderful! keep writing! I like the words, Feel how amicable the twilight embrace using a decorative group of swallows. could you read and comment on my poems too? thank you.

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Ade Rachman

Ade Rachman

Jakarta, Indonesia
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