Seven Year Itch Poem by Nuch Iness

Seven Year Itch

Love is like a seedling
So help it on its way,
It needs a little feeding
To blossom, so they say
We're born with such potential
A lifetimes love supply
So why do many falter
And let the love light die

A few words every morning,
The same when coming home
Don't be afraid of talking
Don't leave them all alone
The silence can be deafening
When there's so much to be said
Strike up a conversation
Don't keep it in your head

Memorise their wishes
And try to make them true
It might just be the dishes
In her, it might be you
Dig out all those photos
The smiles are real you know
Revisit places travelled
Rekindle fires below

At the ending of the day
Nothing tastes as sweet
As sharing half a Galaxy
Getting chocolate on the sheet
Make a game of loving
Take turns with rubber stamps
Marking out your territory
Then turning out the lamps.

Don't expect the world
Just give a little more
The pleasures in the giving,
You're sure to get, I'm sure
Hard work gets its own back
Just when your not looking
And you'll get more attention
When she comes and finds you cooking.

Take the first step forward
In seeing through the years
'Cause this will lead to laugher
And put to bed the fears
That you'll be left with nothing
Because you couldn't see
A life laid out before you when,
You went down on one knee.

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