Sharp Rocks Poem by Sophia White

Sharp Rocks

She paced the road, a lonely form.
Beneath her feet the hard cement
Drew from her the warmth and heat
And she knew what coldness meant.
She paced the crack that drew the line
‘Twixt Home and World, ‘twixt Heart and Stone.
Discovered there a truth severe
That chilled her blood and froze her bone.
No difference lay in that small space
That once had kept the evil out.
No distinction could she find
But diablerie all about.

She felt as though she were a ship,
Far from any cove or ark,
Floating on a sea so calm,
While the skies above grew dark.
A hurricane began to brew
And she could see no land in sight,
But an island small and firm,
Its lighthouse beacon blaring bright.
But no hope did it advance
The little ship out on the sea.
Its light sent out an envoi grim,
A cold and wicked emissary:

“Sharp rocks!
Stay Away! Away!
No harbor here, no port!
Sharp rocks! ”

So she paced with bleak dismay
Beneath the starless, moonless sky.
Alone and lost, no hope to hold,
No one to hear her desperate sigh.
A hopeless thing, afraid and lost,
A lamb trapped in the lion’s den.
She felt within her heart of hearts
She’d never see the sun again.
It’s yellow rays were lost for good
No more would Earth be gently bathed
By Sol’s caress and golden kiss
No more would the lost be saved.

Her soul turned dark, about to die,
As one last time she raised her eyes –
There on the horizon’s stripe
So soft! The sun began to rise.

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