She Poem by Echo WalkerJacobs


She sits on her thrown as if a queen
Pretending her pastures will always be green
her deceit knows no limits
her lies can kill the greatest spirit
How devious she is
Plotting, the premeditated sin
Telling lies to seek the truth
Eyeing each suspecting youth
Pondering on each written note
Wasting precious time reading between those empty lines

to look at her you will never know
what evil plots lay within her soul
what lies beneath its more like steel
getting harder and harder when the days get hotter
she insist that trust is key
but withholds her love as penalty
how lonely it is, to be she
no joy comes from her reality
yet she remains and complains
every chance she get,
letting fear of loss eat away at potential happiness
contentment never comes her way
she is too bothered with what others may say
this is the price she pays
for being a woman who wants to stay?
or is she spiting the very man
who she says she loves and can do no wrong.
if you love your man
love him hard and true
and maybe just maybe he will be faithful to you
no woman every knows the heart of man
but god has promised each of us a good one.
so stop withholding your love from him
let go for once
and you win.
forgetting the past and living for today
making each moment count for true love might just slip away

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