She Didnt Die Today Poem by TheBlack Poet

She Didnt Die Today

I have heard her yells

in her almost numb silent voice

and her sharp piercing screams, knocking on the doors

of her weak heart, her soul

i have seen her choke on her belief, her hopes, and

her dreams of having a child one day, a son to call junior

she has wanted this all her life, or did she?

to be able to read him bedtime stories and sing him lullaby's,

she knew her voice sucked, but was certain that at least her child would love it

and something happened....and only she knows

so she no longer knows her name, nor does she sound or rehearse it

to herself, she is dead though she knows that she breathes,

she bleeds on the inside out, i know cause i can smell the redness and the warmth of her dying cells

she has spent every single tear she ever owned, so she wont cry, she wont sob, she wont weep,

she cant.

Her heart doesn't beat at all anymore, its in it skips

and she wont feel, she cant feel even when its supposed to hurt,

so pardon her if she doesn't smile for you,

its because she has smiled longer than she has lived,

loved longer than the sun has set,

and she has wished, hopped and believed higher than the skies

see, she died, but she didn't die today, she died along time ago

she just wanted you to know today..

take heart-black-poet

Joshua Fegley 07 January 2013

Smelling the dying cells. What a macabre poem. I like it.

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TheBlack Poet

TheBlack Poet

Kampala, Uganda
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